
We proposed “Boomshin”, which uses an encounter-type tactile display to temporally switch between the presence and absence of tactile presentation of objects in space. We named the objects without tactile presentation as “Boomshin” and evaluated changes in the impression of the game experience by using the temporal appearance patterns of both as independent variables. The …


With the spread of virtual reality (VR) attractions, vector generation techniques that enhance the sense of realism are gaining attention. Additionally, mixed reality (MR) at- tractions, which overlay VR onto a real-world display, are expected to become more prevalent in the future. However, with MR, it is impossible to move all the coordinates of the …


By combining a HMD showing VR images of the roller coaster experience and an electric wheelchair as a simple motion platform with a small moving ramp that is a customized electric wheelchair, we provide continuous sensation of ascent, and continuous sensation of descent. And, the combination of an electric wheelchair as a simple motion platform …